Title: space time continuum
Format: Cassette
Label: Namshub Records
Cat nr: –
Genre: Electro/Synth
1. starflow 07:13
2. the beyond 05:09
3. solar drift 07:42
4. transition point 07:39
5. machinist 07:18
6. space wrench 04:42
7. decompression 06:23
8. clouds of light 07:17
High quality tape with print and cover produced by T.A.P.E. MUZIK
limited to 100 copies
“space time continuum” takes us on a trip through outer space. Driven by the engines of several hardware synthesizer and a modular system the album leeds to electro fields with electro industrial sounds inspired from the dystopic atmosphere of electronic body music of the late 80ties.
Elements of electro and electronic body music form the sound of omega attraktor from Winterhur, Switzerland. Dealing with the interaction of analog and digital technology the live performances of omega attraktor are based on improvisation also working alot with DIY instruments.